Melbourne's 86 tram route as a giant open air gallery of street art


Melbourne, Australia is internationally known for its street art and its trams. Melbourne Street Art 86 imagines Melbourne's 86 tram route as though it were a giant open air gallery of street art with its own regular tram service. The pages in the dark blue side bar below have photos of street art by the suburbs the tram passes through. Locations are noted by tram stop, street location and also on maps of the area that can be downloaded or printed. Other Melbourne suburbs rich in street art are also featured.

Take me to the site guide and quick gallery of street art CLICK HERE.
Tell me more about the 86 tram & sights along the way CLICK HERE.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Smith Street, Collingwood extra

The following photos are from a location in Smith Street, Collingwood that I most probably would have included on the main page, if I had found it earlier. Well... actually I did find it a lot earlier, but at the time it was not a suitable time of day to photograph; so I meant to come back later, forgot about it and rediscovered it all over again a couple of days ago.

Having now completed the Smith Street map - which will be a fair bit of work to edit to include this site, and with the Northcote map still to do... and things to do other than update Melbourne Street Art 86, I won't include this on the Collingwood page for now. Perhaps later in the year that will change.

This alley is on the left side of Smith street looking north, between Greeves Street and Perry Street, next to what was once an internet cafe.

It has a mixture of wall pieces and paste ups and even what looks to be a little bust of He Man on a ledge. Whether he was placed there out of artistic intention, or someone just didn't know what else to do with him I am uncertain.

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