Melbourne's 86 tram route as a giant open air gallery of street art


Melbourne, Australia is internationally known for its street art and its trams. Melbourne Street Art 86 imagines Melbourne's 86 tram route as though it were a giant open air gallery of street art with its own regular tram service. The pages in the dark blue side bar below have photos of street art by the suburbs the tram passes through. Locations are noted by tram stop, street location and also on maps of the area that can be downloaded or printed. Other Melbourne suburbs rich in street art are also featured.

Take me to the site guide and quick gallery of street art CLICK HERE.
Tell me more about the 86 tram & sights along the way CLICK HERE.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Some more completely different - North Richmond

I was going to wait a while before posting some more street art from locations away from the 86 tram route, but some how these wanted to get out in the light, so to speak. These are from North Richmond. I will include location information and some additional shots that help give the context to some of them on the Other Locations page.

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